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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the duties of a Councillor?
Councillors' duties are outlined under Section 153 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA):

  • Consider the welfare and interests of the municipality as a whole.

  • Promote strategic intermunicipal land use planning and service delivery with neighboring municipalities.

  • Develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality.

  • Participate in Council and committee meetings, as well as other assigned bodies.

  • Maintain confidentiality of matters discussed in private Council meetings.

  • Adhere to the Council’s Code of Conduct.

  • Fulfill any other duties assigned by the Council or required under legislation.

What additional duties does the Mayor have?
In addition to the duties of a Councillor, the Mayor:

  • Presides over Council meetings unless a bylaw designates another person.

  • Performs any additional duties assigned by legislation or bylaw.

What meetings and events will I need to attend as a Councillor?
Councillors are required to attend:

  • Regular and Special Council Meetings (Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.).

  • Meetings of boards, committees, and agencies to which they are appointed.

  • Conferences, conventions, seminars, and workshops for training and discussions.

  • Social and community events promoting the municipality.

Councillors should also dedicate time to:

  • Reading and preparing for meetings.

  • Speaking with members of the public, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), and other municipal parties.

  • Participating in community events and sitting on a range of boards and committees.


Who is eligible to run for Council?
To be eligible (Local Authorities Election Act, Section 21), you must:

  • Be eligible to vote in the election.

  • Be at least 18 years old.

  • Be a Canadian citizen.

  • Be a resident of Alberta and the local jurisdiction for six consecutive months before nomination day.

  • Not be otherwise disqualified (see ineligibility below).

Who is ineligible to run for Council?
You are ineligible (Local Authorities Election Act, Section 22) if:

  • You are the auditor of the local jurisdiction.

  • You are an employee of the local jurisdiction (unless on an approved leave of absence).

  • You owe taxes in default exceeding $50 (excluding current taxes or those under a consolidation agreement).

  • You owe a debt to the local jurisdiction exceeding $500 and in default for over 90 days.

  • You were convicted of certain election-related offences within the last 10 years.


When is the nomination period?
The nomination period for the 2025 general election begins January 1, 2025, and ends at 12:00 p.m. on September 22, 2025 (Nomination Day).


Where and how do I file nomination papers?
Nomination papers must be submitted in person to the Village of Berwyn Administration Office during regular business hours.


What forms are required for nomination?
Candidates must submit:

  1. Notice of Intent to Run.

  2. Form 4 – Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance.

  3. Form 5 – Candidate Financial Information

  4. A minimum of five signatures from eligible Village of Berwyn electors.

Who can witness my nomination form signature?
A Commissioner for Oaths or the Returning Officer at the Village of Berwyn Administration Office must witness your signature. For more information, email or call 780-338-3922.


What is the difference between a Notice of Intent to Run and Nomination Forms?

  • A Notice of Intent to Run allows you to accept campaign contributions and incur expenses once approved but does not mean you are officially nominated.

  • You become a nominated candidate and eligible to appear on the ballot only after filing the required nomination papers during the nomination period.

Can I withdraw my nomination?
Yes. You may withdraw at any time during the nomination period or within 24 hours after its close, unless withdrawals would result in fewer candidates than the number of vacancies.

When can I start campaigning?
You may start campaigning after filing your Notice of Intent to Run and being added to the Register of Candidates.


Is a deposit required to run?
No, the Village of Berwyn does not require a deposit.


What is the Register of Candidates?
The Register of Candidates is a record of individuals who have submitted a Notice of Intent to Run for office in the next general election, as required by the Local Authorities Election Act.


Will training and orientation be provided?
Yes, newly elected Councillors are required to attend orientation sessions as mandated by the MGA. These sessions prepare you for your role on Council.

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