Long Lake Regional Waste
Management Services Commission
Transfer Stations
As the name implies, everything from these locations must be transferred to another location at some point.
Everyone must stop and show their municipal card to the operator.
Six-yard bins are provided for regular domestic household garbage (anything that you would normally put in your kitchen garbage). The refuse in the six-yard bins will be placed in a garbage truck with a compactor. Keep in mind that the refuse must be compactable. Hot ashes or dead animals cannot go into the six-yard bins.
C cans are available in Grimshaw, Weberville and Manning/North Star stations for furniture and small amounts of bulky items (such as mattresses).
Trailer loads, construction and demolition, cement and asphalt are not accepted at transfer stations as the volume makes it too costly to store and transport. Trailer loads are always welcome at the regional landfill. There is a charge for all construction and demolition debris.
Incinerators are meant for cardboard. No plastic is to be burned. Please check with the operator before burning anything in the incinerator.
Open pit burn areas are for clean wood only. Anything that is painted or treated, in any way no matter how long ago, cannot be burned.
All stations have fire permits that they must adhere to. They may not always be able to burn and may have to limit the amount of burning debris they can stockpile. You can always bring your burnable debris to the regional landfill pit for disposal.
The transfer station operators must follow Long Lake Regional Waste Management Services Commission policies. Public scavenging of waste materials is not permitted. However, if you are in need of a discarded item, the site operator has sole discretion to allow salvage of a particular item at their site on a case-by-case basis.
Transfer Stations are allowed to have recycling tables, if they so choose, for the public to put items and remove items at no charge. Operators cannot put public waste in these areas.
If you have any questions regarding the operation of the transfer stations or the regional landfill, please call 780-971-2200, Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.