Date: September 12, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Council Chambers, 5006 - 51 Street, Village of Berwyn Office, AB.
If you would like to submit written comments, file a petition against the Bylaw, or require further information on the proposed Bylaw, please contact:
Barbara Schofield, Clerk, by phone at (780) 338-3922 or by email at Please forward written submissions on or before 3:00 pm September 6, 2024.
Pursuant to Section 606 of the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter M-26 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Berwyn will hold a Public Hearing prior to second reading of Bylaw No.713 to amend the Village of Berwyn Land Use Bylaw No. 601.
Bylaw No. 716 proposes to:
1. Add the following Use Class Definitions to Section 1.5 DEFINITIONS:
• “COMMUNITY GARDEN” means a private or municipally-owned land that has been made lawfully available to residents of the community to cultivate produce for participant’s consumption and does not include a level of production that regularly supports a revenue stream or income from wholesale or retail sales of excess produce. Community Gardens provide a green space in urban areas, along with opportunities for beautification, education, and recreation. They are managed and maintained with the active participation of the gardeners themselves.
• “COMMUNITY HALL/FACILITY” means a development used for public or quasi-public activities, such as community cultural and/or fundraising events.
• “INDOOR RECREATION FACILITY” means a development for sports and active recreation within an enclosed building. Indoor recreation facilities include such facilities as ice arenas, gymnasiums, curling rinks, swimming pools, and similar, though smaller, facilities. As well, indoor recreation facilities may include meeting rooms and eating and drinking establishments as accessory uses.
2. Add the following land uses to the Permitted Uses under Section 14.2(1) the Parks and Recreation District (PR):
• Community Garden
• Community Hall
• Indoor Recreation Facility
3. Redistrict lands legally described as:
a. Plan 5491NY, Lot 4, Block 5;
b. Plan 5491NY, OT;
c. Plan 3553RS, OT;
d. Plan 5491NY, Block 6; and
e. Plan 1040EO, A
from General Residential District (R-G) to Parks and Recreation District (PR), as shown below: